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The Large Hadron Collider explained

"A bluffer's guide to the LHC and the physics that lies behind it all"

Category: Big Science


Hutton tells power grid to clear barriers to wind

"The government will today take a bold step it believes will remove the biggest single barrier to renewable energy: access to the National Grid."

Category: Energy sources


CCTV doesn't keep us safe, yet the cameras are everywhere

Despite a few high profile cases where CCTV cameras have solved crimes, for the most part they have not helped in reducing crime.

Category: Communications


Robots ready to support soldiers on the battlefield

"Intelligent armed vehicles that use GPS, laser and heat-recognition technology are close to being deployed in hotspots"

Category: Weapons, Robotics


Cost of tackling global climate change has doubled, warns Stern

"The author of an influential British government report arguing the world needed to spend just 1% of its wealth tackling climate change has warned that the cost of averting disaster has now doubled."

Category: Climate Change

Displaying results 2106 to 2110 out of 2977